Term 2, Week 5 School Newsletter
News from the Principal

Last Thursday morning we hosted a Biggest Morning Tea and every Cuppa certainly did count! $1,000 was raised and it will be donated as vital funds for those impacted by cancer.
I would like to thank the families for their wonderful support with monetary donations, scrumptious catering, raffle prizes and for the set up and pack up on the day. Coincidentally, it was also National Volunteer week with the 2022 theme of Better Together. We certainly witnessed a great example of that at our morning tea.
"Volunteering brings people together; it builds communities and creates a better society for everyone".
We pray for Angela, Aidan, Macy, Rose and Elle, as they continue on their faith journey and prepare for the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Confirmation.
Last week the Year 3 and 5 students took part in NAPLAN testing. Our teachers would like to thank these students for their hard work and for doing their best.
Our Year 6 students participated in a leadership day with Year 6 students from other rural schools. It was very worthwhile for all students.
We warmly welcome our new student, Charlotte to the Year 2 class. We also welcome her parents, Nick and Stephanie into St Patrick's school community.
The Year 3 and 4 class will be participating in their 1 night school camp at Anglesea on Thursday and Friday. There are many fabulous activities organised for the students to participate in. We look forward to sharing many photos with you on class dojo.
I wish you all a great week.
Paul McDowell
2022 Biggest Morning Tea

Stawell Gift
Over the athletics season, Ollie Peoples qualified to compete at the Stawell Gift over the Easter weekend.
It was an amazing experience with Ollie racing against kids twice his age in the 100 metre sprint and the 400 metre sprint.
Ollie started on a time handicap of 18 seconds in the 400 metres (this is determined by region and state results through the season). 8 heats with 10 competitors.
He finished 3rd in his heat and 12th overall in a field of 80 kids, ranging from 9-16 years. He missed out on the final by 2 places, having an amazing day and experience.
We are very proud of Ollie and his wonderful athletic achievements.
Below are photos of our students who participated in the Central Highlands Lightning Premiership at Beaufort on Sunday, 15th of May.
Well done to all on their great participation.

Administering Medication at School: Tips for Parents
If your child needs medications during school hours, it is important to keep in mind the following information.
Actions Before School
Ask your pharmacist to divide your child's medication into 2 bottles, each with its own label so that one can be kept at home and one can be kept (if allowed) at the school.
Getting Medicine to School
All medication should be transported to the school by an adult and handed to another adult (school staff member). Do not allow your child to carry his or her medication.
Your child should not carry his or her medication during school hours unless you, the doctor, and the school believes it is necessary for immediate access to emergency medication. Children are generally not mature enough to self-carry their own medications, but the school will make sure there is immediate access to emergency medications.
All prescription and nonprescription medication (including vitamins) given in school settings require written authorization from your child's doctor, as well as parent written consent.
All medication must be brought to school in the original labeled container prepared by the pharmacy, doctor, or pharmaceutical company (i.e., no envelopes, foil, or baggies). The label should include the following:
Child's name
Name of medication
Dosage of medication to be given
Frequency of administration
Route of administration
Name of physician ordering medication
Date of prescription
Expiration date

Rapid Antigen Tests
The Department will continue the distribution of rapid antigen test kits directly to schools for use in Term 2, 2022. It is recommended that students are tested twice a week.
Tests are provided in packs of 5 individual tests. Packs will be sent home with your child.
Families should continue to conduct the tests at home with all students and must report any positive test results to the school and the Department of Health.
Tests should be conducted twice weekly, on days that suit families – no particular days are prescribed.
If staff or students receive a positive test result at any time, they must report this through the Department of Health system (Rapid antigen tests | Coronavirus Victoria) or via the coronavirus hotline at 1800 675 398.
Students (or their parents) must also report a positive result to their school, either through the COVID Test portal or by phone or written notification; this is so the school can support them, record that they will be absent while in 7-day isolation, and let the rest of the school community know there has been a positive case onsite and that they should monitor for symptoms.
Practise good hygiene
We remind all staff, students and visitors to schools that they should undertake regular hand hygiene, particularly on arrival to school, before and after eating, after blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing or using the toilet. Staff should direct or supervise young students where required.
Use non-contact greetings (not shaking hands, hugging or kissing).
What to do if your child gets sick
To help keep your child and our school community safe, please take the following steps if your child has any cold or flu-like symptoms:
• take a COVID-19 test and follow the current Department of Health isolation requirements if a positive result is shown
• keep your child at home until their symptoms pass
• common flu-like symptoms include a high fever, cough, runny nose, loss of appetite, body aches and feeling extremely weak and tired
• diagnosis of the flu can only be confirmed by a doctor after a nose or throat swab
• encourage your child to wash their hands regularly and ask them to cover their nose and
mouth when sneezing and coughing.
COVID-19 vaccination
COVID-19 vaccines are available free of charge to everyone aged 5 years and over in Australia.
Flu vaccination
Flu vaccination is recommended for everyone aged 6 months and over. Flu vaccinations can be booked through GPs and pharmacies, many of which can also provide COVID-19
vaccinations. If you would like more information about the flu vaccination, visit the Better Health Channel.
eSafety kids conversation starters
Cyber safety is taught at school integrated throughout the curriculum. Importantly, as with all learning it is a partnership with home. We know that as parents managing
the ever-changing face of the online world your children are exposed to is challenging to keep up with. It is important to keep the conversations going around the use of Technology in your household. The full document can be found on the link below with https://www.esafety.gov.au/parents/resources#informationsheets
As the weather becomes more unpredictable, we would very much appreciate your
children packing a set of spare clothes in their school bag so that wet or muddy clothes
can be changed at school. Slippers to wear in the classroom would also alleviate the
tracking of mud onto carpets; these can stay at school so that they are available every
day. We ask that children take their school shoes off in the shoe room on entry into the school building.
Please ensure that ALL school uniforms are clearly named and please check your child's clothing to make sure that they have their own uniforms.

Dear Families,
Please book your tickets on the link below for the upcoming school production on Thursday 23rd June.
Dates for your diary
Term Two Dates
Thursday - school lunch orders are available from the Gordon Shop. Please order and pay on Wednesday and lunches will be delivered to the school on Thursday.
Icy poles are available for 50 cents on a Friday at lunch time.
Monday 9th May to Monday 6th June - Ballarat Aquatic Swim/Gym program for all students. (5 consecutive Mondays)
Wednesday 25 May - Netball tournament
Thursday 26 May 2022 to Friday 27 May 2022 - Year 3/4, 1 night Camp at Anglesea.
Thursday 26 May - Senior boys playing football in a combined team with St Alipius
School Assembly - Friday 27th May at 3:10 pm.
Monday 30th May - Playgroup in our school hall.
Scholastic Book Club orders due by 8th June
Thursday 23rd June - School Production.
Friday 24th June - Term 2 ends at 1:15 pm.
Term 3 - School Photos - Tuesday 2nd August.
The above link will take your to Issue 4 of the Scholastic Book Club. If you would prefer a hard copy, please contact the school office.
Please order by the 8th June.