Term 2, Week 7 School Newsletter
News from the Principal

Dear Families,
I would like to extend a huge thank you to the staff for managing, in what can be challenging circumstances, as many of our community are in isolation with COVID or the flu.
Both our regular teachers, Education support staff as well as our relief staff do an amazing job and are always quick to step up when needed.
I am both very thankful to work in such a great community and feel very supported by both staff and families.
The Year 3/4 children had a wonderful time at Camp Wilkin in Anglesea. The weather was perfect and the children were amazing in every way. There is some great photos below, as well as some recounts.
The five week swim/gym program, for all of our students finished yesterday. The children enjoyed it very much and I thank the staff at the Ballarat Aquatic Centre for their professionalism.
Excitement is building toward our school concert. Tickets are selling well and the link to purchase your tickets is as follows :- https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/whats-the-crime-mr-wolf-tickets-341117811557
Our Parents and Friends have organised a major raffle, with wonderful prizes to be won. Raffle tickets were sent home last week and we thank all families for their support in selling the tickets. The funds raised will assist with redesigning our outdoor learning spaces.
A big thank you to Gary Aitken (Elle and Sienna's Grandpa) and James (a playgroup Dad), for assembling our two new cubby houses. They will be a wonderful addition to our playground.
Have a great week.
Paul McDowell,

Year 3/4 - Camp Wilkin Photos

Camp Wilkin by Sienna
Last Thursday and Friday I went to Anglesea with my class.
The best bit was everything!
Camp Wilkin by Conor Donohoe
Last Thursday and Friday I went to Anglesea with my class. The best bits were going on the balancing course and archery with my class
My Favourite part was Me, Theo and Ollie were talking at night and doing the balancing course.
I would want to go again with my class and have Ollie and Theo with me.
Camp Wilkin by Ollie
Last Thursday and Friday I went to Anglesea with my class. The best bits were when we went on a bike ride around Anglesea and me and Theo and Conor were at the front the whole time (pretty much). When we got back to our cabin, we had archery I got 22 points in total. When we got back it was dark and Theo brought chips and muesli bars, I brought a big party mix and pringles and pizza shapes. Connor brought a whole bag full of snacks (we nearly ran out of food then Connor saves the day!!!) I had so much fun.
Camp Wilkin by Ruby Moran
Last Thursday and Friday I went to Anglesea with my class.
The best bits were mountain bike riding, flying fox and low ropes.
My favourite was the rock-climbing wall.
I would do EVERYTHING again!
These are the things we did when we were there.
- Flying fox
- Archery
- Rock climbing wall
- Mountain bike riding
- Low ropes
When we finished on day one, we went to get an ice cream and a beach walk.
Camp Wilkin by Theo
Last Thursday and Friday l went to Anglesea with my class The best bit was mountain bike riding.
Congratulations to our recent student award winners.
Millicent received the Responsibility Award for being a role model for new members of our school community.
Jenna received the Resilience Award, for when faceed with challenges, she is always willing to have a go and try her best.

Reports will be published on SIMON on Thursday 23rd June. Parents will be able to access them from the Parent Portal on SIMON.
Username is your email address and for new families or families who have forgotten their password, please choose the forgot passwords, to set your own password.
If you are having any problems logging in or accessing SIMON, we ask you to contact the office for a password reset as we want to ensure you can access your child’s reports. In addition, the Dojo App will be updated with any important information you need to know.
If you have any concerns about your child's academic progress, please make an appointment to see the teacher directly with them or via the school office.
Teachers are always happy to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress at a mutually convenient time.
The PAM user guide below will help step you through accessing your reports on the 23rd June.
Flue Vaccination
The flu vaccination is now available free of charge in Victoria. Flu vaccinations can be booked through GPs and pharmacies, many of which can also provide COVID-19 vaccinations. If you would like more information about the flu vaccination, visit the Better Health Channel. Face masks, while recommended, are not required in any school setting.
Screening requirements
Students and staff who have tested positive for COVID-19 and have completed their 7-day isolation period, now do not need to undertake rapid antigen test (RAT) screening for 12 weeks after their release from isolation.
Household contacts
Students and staff who are household contacts of a COVID-19 case are no longer required to quarantine.
They can return to school as long as they undertake rapid antigen tests (RAT) 5 times within their 7-day period and wear face masks indoors if they are aged 8 and above, unless they have a valid exemption.
Practise good hygiene
We remind all staff, students and visitors to schools that they should undertake regular hand hygiene, particularly on arrival to school, before and after eating, after blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing or using the toilet. Staff should direct or supervise young students where required. Use non-contact greetings (not shaking hands, hugging or kissing).
Dates for your diary
Term Two Dates
Thursday - school lunch orders are available from the Gordon Shop. Please order and pay on Wednesday, or first thing Thursday morning and lunches will be delivered to the school at lunchtimes.
Icy poles are available for 50 cents on a Friday at lunch time.
Monday 13th June -Playgroup will not take place on this PUBLIC HOLIDAY
Scholastic Book Club orders due by 8th June
Thursday 23rd June - School Production - Doors open at 5.45pm for Pre Performance drinks and nibbles. Take this time to view our photographic exhibition showing the journey to tonight's performance. These can be purchased on the night for a gold coin donation. Door Raffle Prize to be won. Performance commences at 6.30pm
Friday 24th June - Term 2 ends at 1:15 pm.
MONDAY 11th July - Pupil Free Day - Staff Planning
TUESDAY 12th JULY - Students resume
Term 3 - School Photos - Tuesday 2nd August.