Term 2, Week 9, 2024 School Newsletter
News from the Principal
Dear Families,
This week has been a great week at St. Patrick's with production rehearsals and Museum Victoria incursions highlighting our STEAM and Arts programs at school. The enjoyment and engagement shown for both the production and incursion continues to showcase the talents of our students.
School is finalising student mid-semester reports that will be on PAM on Thursday, 27th June for parents to view. A reminder that the student's digital portfolio on Class Dojo should also be viewed to compliment each student of their achievements across the semester. Reports are a snapshot of progress and I wish to always remind families that each learning journey is different for each child and as teachers we look for those 'lightbulb moments' when children say, 'I get that', and whilst some are doing this more readily in the first semester, for some students it all comes together in the second half of the year. We work with each child until that moment comes and then we celebrate the growth.
This week a report by the Victorian State Government on all state schools needing to have a Structured Literacy approach and have it implemented over the next two years. St. Patrick's currently has a Structured Literacy approach using a phonics approach which is evolving as research becomes available. In learning, all things are cyclical, and this approach many may remember from their own learning. A copy of the media release is available below for your reading.
As the term concludes some children are tired and finding the 'daily grind' somewhat a challenge - please chat with me or your child's teacher for support and there are some excellent articles on our school TV page on our website. It's not rare to feel 'I don't want to go to school' but I can assure parents it only lasts 5 minuyes before play and friends take over with the support offered by staff. Vivian Lunt offers students and families support every Wednesday, so please share any challenges with school.
We look forward to the term break for another reason - the beginning of refurbishments to the student entrance, withdrawl space replacing a kicthen sink area, wet room and toilet amenities, new hand rail on the garden path, gutter and path maintenance and new heating in the central hall. We look forward to a new look building and grounds across Term Three.
Enjoy your weekend and I'll see you next week.
Paul McDowell

Across the past week we have been supporting Lisa and her children, Zina (Year 5) and Romano (Year 7) who are mourning the loss of Lisa's partner, Matthew.
As a school community we offer our thoughts and prayers, along with assistance in the offering of meals to take some burden from the family at this difficult time.
Loss is always hard and school can offer support through our links on School TV with topics such as grief and loss. Please view if you need support in conversations or for your own use.
The link is below:
Support is also available through:
Phone: 6am to 10pm 7 days a week- 1300 727 247
Vivian Lunt is the Pastoral Care Worker at our school, she can be reached via email: vlunt@spgordon.catholic.edu.au or by ringing the school office, 5368 9495 and leaving a message for her to return your call.
Out of Hours School Care
Commencing Term Three we will be having The Y (Ballarat) YMCA coordinate our program for the initial period of 6 months with likley extension into a 2 year agreement.
Staff are currently being employed to run our program, incorporating current staff, and we look forward to a wonderful new program supporting our families.
The strength of the program relies on families using the service so I encourgae families to sign up - we will forward more details shortly.

A huge congratulations to Thomas Best for receiving the Moorabool Library 2024 Young Writer's Award for his creative narrative writing piece "The Key".
We are very fortunate to have such incredible writers at St Patrick's with Olivia Nicholson winning this award in 2022 and Freddie O'Donnell in 2023.
Immersion Activity

The immersion activity on Monday, 3rd June included picking up some rubbish and exploring different environments. Our activity complimented both our upcoming Scaffolded Literacy text and our Inquiry topic of Sustainablity.

Scienceworks Excursion

On Wednesday, 5th June our Year 3-6 students enjoyed an outing to Scienceworks Museum in Spotswood, where they were a part of a STEAM Design Sprint Challenge.
The brief was Humans on the Moon - Humanity has turned its attention towards creating a Moon Base. This will be a place of research and a launching point for venturing even further from Earth. In this Design Sprint, students were to consider the physical environment of the moonscape, the resource limitations, and the psychological and sensory difficulties humans will face. They then draw on this knowledge to create design solutions that overcome the challenges of space travel.
They went to the planetarium to find out lots about the moon before starting their designs, listened to an expert from the ARC centre of Excellence in Plants for Space and began working through the design process. All of the children started to plan and create their prototypes which they will continue back at school during STEAM time 😊Students heard from relevant experts, they were immersed in the Scienceworks Planetarium and got to be hands on to construct and share Moon Base prototypes.
Steam Incursion - Robotics & Dinosaurs

Thursday, 13th June Years 3-6 have used their STEAM time learning coding skills with Madeleine from Museum Victoria. A great session that we will build on with robots we have been loaned by University of South Australia for next term.
Our F - 2 classes were introduced dinosaurs in STEAM with Madeleine from Museum Victoria 🦕 😊 They listened about the 🦖🌍 and told Madeleine all they know about 🦕🦕🦖🦖 and then they got to explore as palaeontologists 😊

To celebrate the start of construction, Ballan library would love for our school community to join them at a free community event at AA McLean Reserve in Ballan on Saturday, 22nd June, from 10am to 1pm.
Children are invited to come dressed as their favourite book character for the chance to win prizes.
Activities on the day will include:
- Petting zoo
- Magician
- Live music
- Mobile Library
- Sausage sizzle
- Face painting
- Crafts and more
There will also be an opportunity to sign up for a library membership on the day.
Pirates of the Curry Bean - Opening Night

Family Update
Over the past 9 weeks Mrs J and Miss Lucy have led students through the production process of script reading, acting and choreography. The rest of us on staff only look on with wonder at their individual talents being joined to lead us to the point of now full dress rehearsals are underway. We can't wait for Opening Night!
A reminder that on the production day, Thursday 27th June - the school day for all students will commence at 12.00pm. Sports uniforms are to be worn to make costume changing easier. Lunch orders can still be ordered from both the Gordon General Store and TOWG.
All students will travel by bus at 3.30pm to Mount Clear Secondary College for a full dress rehearsal prior to the main event. Families are then free to travel to the college free of worry.
What I need to know about Opening Night:
Mt Clear Secondary College Gaye Gough Theatre
59 Olympic Avenue, Mount Clear, Victoria, 3350, Australia.
Doors open - 6.00pm (earlier if inclement weather, approximately 5.45pm)
Parents and Friends will sell memento cookies @ $5 each and a raffle will be held and drawn on the night at the conclusion of the performance - eftpos available
Show begins promptly at 6.30pm - please be seated by 6.25pm
Each ticket is an allocated seat - assistance will be available on the night by staff

Families are invited to attend this free evening - it is a MUST SEE information session for all to learn how to talk to your children about the Digital world. Please SCAN the QR code to register
Please take some time to read the letter and the Tip Sheets. There is an opportunity for familes to come together for a Parent Information Evening, titled Raising Kids in a Digital World that is highly recommended and we encourage you to attend.
This will be held on Wednesday, 19th June at the Ballan Recreation Reserve, commencing at 7.00pm.
Here is the link to Inform & Empower for you to view.

Sadly, the number of children in out of home care are increasing while the number of foster carers are decreasing. This often results in very young children residing in residential care, or moving regularly from home to home.
If you or anyone you know may be interested in this worthwhile cause please reach out to CAFS.

After a successful grant application by our dedicated Parents and Friends we have now purchased and installed a defibrillator for our school and the wider community. It is in the foyer of the building and can currently be accessed from 6.00am - 6.00pm Monday to Friday as we work towards allowing 24 hour access to the whole community and families.
An absolute lifesaving gift which we hope to never use.

Health Update For All Families
Dear Parents
As part of our commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being at all students at St.
Patrick’s, we are reaching out to inquire about any unnotified asthma or allergy plans that may be in
place for your child.
Your child’s health and safety are our top priorities and your cooperation in providing this information is greatly appreciated.
If your child has been diagnosed with asthma or allergies (also seasonal), we kindly request that you
inform us of any existing plans or protocols that should be followed while they are at school. This
information will help us better understand your child’s needs and enable us to respond
appropriately in case of health related situations.
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and please do not hesitate to contact us with any
questions or concerns.

Playgroup is a fun and relaxed opportunity for children, parents, families and communities to come together for play and social interaction.
It is an inviting and relaxing atmosphere and all families are welcome to join in, it is held from 9am until 10.30am every Monday in the school hall. Heaters are turned on, it will be warm and toasty, tea and coffee making facilities available and story time with our foundation teacher and students.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call the office on 5368 9495.
Gordon Parish Mass

Day & Time | 1st Sunday | 2nd Sunday | 3rd Sunday | 4th Sunday | 5th Sunday |
Saturday 6pm* or 6.30pm | Dunnstown | Springbank | Dunnstown | Ballan* Clarkes Hill | Springbank |
Sunday 8.45am or 9am* | Gordon* | Bungaree | Gordon* | Gordon* | Bungaree |
Sunday 10.30am | Ballan | Ballan | Ballan | Ballan |
School Term Dates
Gordon Shop Hot school lunches available every Thursday (unless otherwise advised)
Term Two Dates 2024
Wednesday, 19th June - Parent Information Evening - Inform & Empower @ 7.00pm (Ballan Recreation Reserve)
Friday, 21st June - Sovereign Hill whole school excursion
Thursday, 27th June - School Production - School commences @ 12 Midday
Friday, 28th June - Term 2 concludes @ 1.15pm
Term Three Dates 2024
Monday, 15th July - Term Three commences
Pastoral Care
Pastoral care is key to our strong sense of community across the School. There are many threads to the programme – both formal and informal – and all have the intention of addressing the well-being of each student at their individual point of need.
Vivian Lunt is the Pastoral Care Worker at our school. She is a qualified and a very professional and caring Pastoral Care Worker employed at our school every Wednesday.
Vivian works with individual children on request, small groups and parents and families as required. All interactions remain strictly confidential.
If any family would like to access this service, either for themselves personally or their child, please contact the school office to arrange an appointment with Vivian.
Music lessons

We are now taking bookings for 2024 music lessons. If you would like any information please contact Tim on 0450 904 464 and he can discuss with you.