Week 7, Term 2, 2021 Newsletter
News from the Principal

Dear Families,
Despite the brilliant learning momentum of this term, it was with a sense of disappointment we closed out last week with the news of 'another' lockdown period for our families, students, staff and communities.
This week, the staff have spoken so proudly of their settled, focused and highly engaged students, and collectively we celebrate how well the school is 'humming' along. We are clearly in the flow, and the spirits and energy levels within our community simply couldn't be higher, or better placed.
Whilst Friday was allocated as a student-free day to assist schools transition to a remote learning platform, we were affirmed by our staff's preparedness and their strong desire to minimise further interruptions to the students' learning program. Thank-you to all families for assisting in our test run.
Over the coming days, we remind families that the staff (teachers and intervention staff) will check in with their students to ensure they are well supported with their wellbeing and learning programs.
Whilst we acknowledge the mixed emotions of this most recent news, we ask that families continue to reach out and seek the appropriate support from our team and community if required.
Wellbeing Matters!
Paul McDowell
National Reconciliation Week 2021
27 May – 3 June.
National Sorry Day reminds us to remember the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. During the 20th century, Indigenous children were forcibly removed from their families to be “assimilated” into white Australian culture. They are known as the “Stolen Generations.”
It took several Australian government administrations coming and going before an apology was officially offered to the Indigenous Australians, but it finally was made official, and actions are still being undertaken to this day to repair the damage caused by tearing native families apart.
National Sorry Day is a day to acknowledge the strength of Stolen Generations Survivors and reflect on how Australians can all play a part in the healing process for the people and nation. While this date carries great significance for the Stolen Generations and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, it is also commemorated by Australians right around the country.
Over the coming weeks the students will learn more about National Sorry Day and reconciliation.
Reconciliation Australia’s theme for 2021 is ‘More than a word. Reconciliation takes action.’
Reconciliation is a journey for all Australians – as individuals, families, communities, organisations and importantly as a nation. At the heart of this journey are relationships between the broader Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Dates for your Diary
- Wednesday 9th June - AFL Football clinic for all student in F-3 classes.
- Friday 11th June - Casual clothes day. Gold coin donation.
- Monday 14th June - Public Holiday for Queen's Birthday.
- Sunday 20th June - proposed working bee.
- POSTPONED TO TERM THREE - Date to be advised - P and F school disco.
- Thursday 24th June- End of Term Assembly at 3 pm.
- Friday 25th June - Supervision required for students who attend school on this day.
- Saturday 24th July - School Ball at Donegan's Farm.
- Tuesday 10th August - School Photo day for all staff and students
- Tuesday 17th August - School Closure Day - Writing PD
Introducing our newest school community member.......Baby Nissan.

We are delighted to be able to congratulate Amy, Robert, Layla and Georgia Nissan on the arrival of a beautiful, healthy baby boy, weighing 3310 grams (7.3 pounds).
This little boy is yet to be named and we can't wait to meet him in the coming weeks.
No doubt, Layla will introduce her baby brother to her classmates as part of the 'show and tell' program.
Sporting Gallery

The students at St Patrick's have recently particpated in many sporting activities.
We have had netball, football and all children have particpated in touch football lessons and games every Wednesday. A big thank you to Eliza Smith for sourcing and co-ordinating the touch football sporting incursion. It has been very worthwhile and something all students have really enjoyed.

School Maintenanace Update
All classrooms and the school hall will be painted in the upcoming school holidays. Due to the painting beginning as soon as practicable, staff will be clearing all areas for painting on Friday 25th June.
The final school assembly will now take place at 3 pm on Thursday 24th June and this will now be our break up day and time. Supervision will be available on Friday 25th June, until 1:15 pm for any students who require to be at school.
Thank you for your understanding and support and I'm sure all students will look forward to freshly painted workspaces on their return in Term 3.
Friday 11th June 2021
Come dressed in your favourite jeans, dress or winter woollies and enjoy a free sausage sizzle lunch provided by the parents and friends association.
Gold coin donation for casual clothes attire.
This winter the Parents and Friends have decided to collect warm winter coats, jumpers and jeans in excellent condition for the Eureka Mums local community group.
If you would like to donate any of these items please place in the wooden drop box located in the Saint Patricks Primary School, Gordon foyer between 7th June and 11th June 2021.
Date: Sunday 20th June 2021
Time: 9:30am – 12:30pm
Focus Area: Dismantling existing chicken coop and weeding of garden beds.

Parents and Friends Present
Featuring Miss Goodie & The Rebel music duo
Saturday 24th July 2021. Donegan’s Farm Potato Shed.
Door Open @7pm.
Tickets $50 per person - includes a two-course meal.
Drinks @ bar prices.
Note: Tickets will shortly be available at the Saint Patricks school office.
Make up your own tables of 10 -12 with family and friends– tickets not exclusive to Saint Patricks families only. Tickets available until sold out.
2021 Sacramental Program participants

Congratulations to Jobe Blazko, Jez Barnes, Beatrix Flint, Eva Pamic, Georgie Conroy and Charli Busuttil who are preparaing for the Sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation. The ceremony will take place on Sunday 25th July in our church.
Our staff work in partnership with our parish to deliver the Sacramental Program for the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation. This partnership requires that members of our parish and staff meet regularly to plan formation experiences and liturgies surrounding this program.
We wish all the best as they continue on their faith journey.
Pastoral Care

Pastoral care is key to our strong sense of community across the School. There are many threads to the programme – both formal and informal – and all have the intention of addressing the well-being of each student at their individual point of need.
Vivian Lunt is the Pastoral Care Worker at our school. She is a qualified and a very professional and caring Pastoral Care Worker employed at our school every Thursday.
Vivian works with individual children on request, class groups and parents and families as required. All interactions remain strictly confidential.
If any family would like to access this service, either for themselves personally or their child, please contact the school office for an appointment with Vivian.