School Newsletter - Week One Term One 2025
News from the Principal
Dear Families,
Welcome back to the beginning of our new school year. I trust all families have had wonderful Christmas break and time together and are looking forward to getting back to the routine of school.
This is a short newsletter to remind families of the first few weeks and dates for your diaries:
Tuesday, 28th January - staff resume at school
Wednesday, 29th January - Foundation to Year Six commence school @ 8.50am. Families welcome to bring children into school but please be mindful to leave promptly at the bell. Morning tea is provided in the hall from 8.50am
Thursday, 30th January - Each class will have 1 specialist class today to meet teachers so sports uniforms can be worn. Specialist Classes will commence in Week Two on Thursday, 6th February.
Thursday, 30th January - lunch orders available from Gordon General store. Please order directly through Huey and Soon
Friday, 31st January - Hot lunches commence. Please have each clearly labelled and ensure children know what is their lunch to ensure if any confusion children know what they brought.
Friday, 31st January - assembly at 3.10pm in the hall for all families to end the week.
Monday, 3rd February - Play group commences @ 9.00am in School Hall
Wednesday, 5th February - Foundation rest days commence
Monday, 10th - Tuesday, 11th February - Meet the teacher meetings. Will be held between 3.00pm-5.00pm (Monday) and 3:45pm-5.30pm (Tuesday) Booking via PAM will be released for families. If unavailable to make a time to meet you child's teacher a phone/video call can be arranged.
Tuesday, 11th February - Opening school mass @ 9.45am at St. Patrick's Church. All welcome.
Wednesday, 12th February - School closure Day - staff participating in Literacy Program
Friday, 28th February - Twilight House Sports @ 5.30pm (school oval BYO)
Please see below information regarding:
- Attendance at school
- Important Medication Policy updates and concussion protocols
- Uniform policy
- Before and After School Care - please remember to sign up for 2025.
I look forward to seeing you next Wednesday. Enjoy your weekend to come.
Paul McDowell
REMINDER - Late Arrivals/Early Departures
School commences with the first bell at 8.50am for students to enter their classroom and prepare for learning. Learning commences with daily review at 9.00am and late arrivals do miss important learning opportunities. Please ensure students are at school prior to the first bell. It does also alleviate anxiety for some who do not like coming into school late. Your assistance is appreciated by classroom teachers.
All parents/caregivers who are dropping off late or collecting students early please report to the school office.
It is a legal requirement that all schools keep up to date records of students throughout the school day.
Please also remind your student to see the front office if arriving late.
Medication for Students: Policy Update
Due to policy updates we will no longer be able to store or administer medications such as Panadol, Nurofen, pharmacy only medications (including zyrtec & claratyne) or other non-prescribed medications at school.
The First Aid and Infection Control Policy states: Non-Prescribed: School staff are not permitted to store or administer any non-prescribed medications including analgesics (paracetamol and aspirin).
This is because analgesics and other non-prescribed medications can mask signs and symptoms of a serious illness or injury.
As a result of this policy; medications will only be allowed on school property with a document signed by your doctor. This could include an action plan, letter or treatment plan.
This means that from the beginning of 2025 we will no longer accept medications for your child without doctor's instructions.
We thank you in advance for your support keeping all of our children safe.
Concussion - Important information
If your child has experienced concussion, it is important that you follow recommended medical advice. Returning to school can be a graduated approach with the aim of increasing tolerance to a full day, the same situation could occur with sport. It is always important to check with your doctor and seek medical treatment after a child sustains a concussion.
It is important to inform the school if your child has sustained a concussion outside of the school setting so we can monitor for ongoing symptoms and adapt activities if required.
This factsheet link below from the Royal Children's Hospital is valuable to read and understand.
There is also a great evidence-based app from the Murdoch Children's Research Institute that walks you through what to do in the result of a concussion.
Out of Hours School Care
Commencing Week One 2025.
The strength of the program relies on families using the service so I encourage families to sign up - we look forward to continue with The Y in 2025.
Children must be enrolled to attend the program - whether ongoing or casual
Welcome Back for a new Year
Playgroup is a fun and relaxed opportunity for children, parents, families and communities to come together for play and social interaction.
It is an inviting and relaxing atmosphere and all families are welcome to join in, it is held from 9am until 10.30am every Monday in the school hall.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call the office on 5368 9495.
School Term Dates
Gordon Shop Hot school lunches available every Thursday (unless otherwise advised)
Term Four Dates 2024
Wednesday, 18th December - Last day of Term 4 - concludes at 1.15pm
Term One Dates 2025
Wednesday, 29th January - Students commence
Wednesday, 5th February - Foundation rest day #1
Wednesday, 12th February - School Closure Day - Literacy Professional Development
Friday, 28th February - St Patrick's House Twilight Sports - School Oval - 5.30pm - 7.00pm
Monday, 10th March - Public Holiday - Labour Day
Sunday, 16th March - Ballan Autumn Festival
Wednesday, 19th March - Moorabool Sports - Mason Lane Bacchus Marsh - Whole School
Friday, 4th April - Easter Hat Parade 9.15am
Friday, 4th April - Term 1 concludes at 1.15pm