School Newsletter - Week 5 Term 1- 2025
News from the Principal
Dear Families,
Week Five ended with a spectacular evening on our own SPG school oval and The Hill, which made perfect viewing to cheer on all the athletes in their events.
A big congratulations to Bunjil ( 1110 points) just pipping MacKillop (1050 points ) and Patrick (965 points). With the shield now engraved it'll be there for all Bunjil students to admire until we meet agin for the 2026 Twilight House Sports. Next up in early Term Two will be the House Country, currently held by MacKillop as reigning champions.
It's hard to believe we head into Week Six with 4 weeks until we end Term One and so much still to be completed, both in class and external. This week we begin the season of Lent with Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday and look forward to family participation in both events. We will spend the 4 weeks looking at how by our actions we can help others, with our toiletry drive to support Peplow House our main focus. If families are able to donate 1/2 bathroom items one might need when travelling (shampoo / conditioner/ toothpaste/toothbrushes/ comb/ face washers/ disposable razors) they will be made into individual packs by students and donated on our school communities behalf.
This week is our first Open Morning for 2026 enrolment families and we look forward to continue to building our community for 2026. If you have a child beginning next year and are currently enrolled, you are invites to see what learning looks like across the school. We will have a larger open day for all families with class participation activities in Term Two, so watch out for that event.
Our School Advisory Council meets for their first 2025 meeting and if you wish to know anything or pass compliments or questions to a member please seek then out. In 2025 our SAC is comprised of:
Matt Best and Jody Moran (co chairs), Sharon Waters, Michelle Eastwood, Susannah Berens, Janine Donohoe, Rosie Nicholson, Lucy Curtis (staff representative) and myself. We meet termly and parents interested in joining the SAC should let me know, whetehr you are thinking for 2025 or in 2026 when some current board members term will expire.
Enjoy your Sunday and as always, thank you for yuour ongoing support to the school community.
Paul McDowell

Please follow the link below for Issue 2 - 2025 for Scholastic Book Club.
A hard copy has gone home with your child, please place orders, via the parent LOOP or bring in the order form and money to the front office by Friday, 14th March.
School fee statements will go out early next week.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us at the school office.
REMINDER - Late Arrivals/Early Departures
School commences with the first bell at 8.50am for students to enter their classroom and prepare for learning. Learning commences with daily review at 9.00am and late arrivals do miss important learning opportunities
Please ensure students are at school prior to the first bell. It does also alleviate anxiety for some who do not like coming into school late. Your assistance is appreciated by classroom teachers.
All parents/caregivers who are dropping off late or collecting students early please ensure that you drop/pick your child off from the rear carpark and report to the school office to mark the roll.
It is a legal requirement that all schools keep up to date records of students throughout the school day.
Please also remind your student to see the front office if arriving late.
Concussion - Important information
If your child has experienced concussion, it is important that you follow recommended medical advice. Returning to school can be a graduated approach with the aim of increasing tolerance to a full day, the same situation could occur with sport. It is always important to check with your doctor and seek medical treatment after a child sustains a concussion.
It is important to inform the school if your child has sustained a concussion outside of the school setting so we can monitor for ongoing symptoms and adapt activities if required.
This factsheet link below from the Royal Children's Hospital is valuable to read and understand.
There is also a great evidence-based app from the Murdoch Children's Research Institute that walks you through what to do in the result of a concussion.

Out of Hours School Care
We have had a smooth transition across the term to having YMCA at our school.
Staff have been employed to run our program, and have made a wonderful start to the new program supporting our families.
The strength of the program relies on families using the service so I encourage families to sign up - we look forward to continue with The Y in 2025.
Children must be enrolled to attend the program - whether ongoing or casual

Sadly, the number of children in out of home care are increasing while the number of foster carers are decreasing. This often results in very young children residing in residential care, or moving regularly from home to home.
If you or anyone you know may be interested in this worthwhile cause please reach out to CAFS.

St John Defibrillators – Ready to help you save lives
Sudden Cardiac Arrest is one of the leading causes of death in Australia.
Defibrillators have the power to change this, with the potential to save thousands of lives if they are located within 1-2 minutes of where people work, live and spend their leisure time.
Having a defibrillator means you can step in with the tools to save a life before paramedics arrive – every minute counts. Research shows survival rates of up to 70% can be achieved if an AED is on hand.
We have a defibrillator located in the front foyer of St Patrick's Primary School - this is a lifesaving tool for our community.

Health Update For All Families: Policy Update
Dear Parents
As part of our commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being at all students at St.
Patrick’s, we are reaching out to inquire about any unnotified asthma or allergy plans that may be in
place for your child.
Your child’s health and safety are our top priorities and your cooperation in providing this information is greatly appreciated.
If your child has been diagnosed with asthma or allergies (also seasonal), we kindly request that you
inform us of any existing plans or protocols that should be followed while they are at school. This
information will help us better understand your child’s needs and enable us to respond
appropriately in case of health related situations.
Due to policy updates we will no longer be able to store or administer medications such as Panadol, Nurofen, pharmacy only medications (including zyrtec & claratyne) or other non-prescribed medications at school.
The First Aid and Infection Control Policy states: Non-Prescribed: School staff are not permitted to store or administer any non-prescribed medications including analgesics (paracetamol and aspirin).
This is because analgesics and other non-prescribed medications can mask signs and symptoms of a serious illness or injury.
As a result of this policy; medications will only be allowed on school property with a document signed by your doctor. This could include an action plan, letter or treatment plan.
This means that from the beginning of 2025 we will no longer accept medications for your child without doctor's instructions.
We thank you in advance for your support keeping all of our children safe.
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and please do not hesitate to contact us with any
questions or concerns.

Playgroup is a fun and relaxed opportunity for children, parents, families and communities to come together for play and social interaction.
It is an inviting and relaxing atmosphere and all families are welcome to join in, it is held from 9am until 10.30am every Monday in the school hall. Heaters are turned on, it will be warm and toasty, tea and coffee making facilities available and story time with our foundation teacher and students.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call the office on 5368 9495.

You may be familiar with the work of Vivian Lunt, our Pastoral Care worker who has been with our community for the last few years - we now have Jacinta Cook joining us in the Pastoral Care role.
We warmly welcome Jacinta, who comes to us with a wealth of knowledge in the area of family relationships and the challenges that families, children and schools face on a day-to-day basis. Jacinta welcomes the opportunity to meet with any of you to have a conversation around ways she can support you and your family to ensure school is a positive experience for everybody.
Jacinta worked with Catholic Care for 19 years, overseeing a variety of programs which included school Pastoral Care, Family Mediation and Family Counselling. The last 12 months Jacinta has been working in the Catholic Education Office, as the Child Safe Manager along side St Patrick's Primary School and other schools across our Diocese.
Jacinta has two daughters, Grace who is 24 and Hannah who is 22, both now working in a similar field, who enjoy keeping it real by reminding Jacinta of the importance of being up-to-date with trends impacting families and children today.
Jacinta will be on site on Tuesdays, however is available to contact via email or the school phone.
Jacinta is looking forward to getting to know the students and families and continuing to emphasise the importance of Pastoral Care in all of our lives.
0419 689 495
School Term Dates
Gordon Shop Hot school lunches available every Thursday (unless otherwise advised)
Term One Dates 2025
Monday, 10th March - Public Holiday - Labour Day
Sunday, 16th March - Ballan Autumn Festival
Wednesday, 19th March - Moorabool Sports - Mason Lane Bacchus Marsh - Whole School
Friday, 4th April - Easter Hat Parade 9.15am
Friday, 4th April - Term 1 concludes at 1.15pm
Gordon Parish Mass

Day & Time | 1st Sunday | 2nd Sunday | 3rd Sunday | 4th Sunday | 5th Sunday |
Saturday 6.30pm | Dunnstown | Springbank | Dunnstown | Clarkes Hill | Springbank |
Sunday 9am | Gordon | Bungaree | Gordon | Gordon | Bungaree |
Sunday 10.30am | Ballan | Ballan | Ballan | Ballan | Ballan |
Music lessons

We are now taking bookings for 2024 music lessons. If you would like any information please contact Tim on 0450 904 464 and he can discuss with you.
We acknowledge that St Patrick's Primary School is on Wadawurrung Country.
We would like to acknowledge and extend our appreciation for the Wadawurrung People, the Traditional Owners of the land that we are standing on today.
Today, we pay our respects to leaders and Elders past, present and future for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and the hopes of all Wadawurrung Peoples.
We express our gratitude in the sharing of this land, our sorrow for the personal, spiritual and cultural costs of that sharing and our hope that we may walk forward together in harmony and in the spirit of healing.