Across the Diocese, 64 Catholic primary and secondary schools, comprised of 56 DOBCEL (Dioces of Ballarat Catholic Education Limited) parish schools and 8 schools governed by Religious Institutes or Ministerial Public Juridic Persons, provide distinctive Catholic education from the Murray to the Sea. The role of DOBCEL is to lead, provide service to, and partner with all 64 schools to enable every student to flourish and every student, staff member and family to experience to experience the presence of the risen Christ in our schools.

As of 2021, DOBCEL took over the governance authority of our 56 parish schools. This was an historic undertaking shifting the governance authority from parish priests, who have had this role in parish schools in the Ballarat diocese since our first parish school was established in 1849. DOBCEL continues to work in partnership with our 56 parish schools into the future. Catholic Education Ballarat is the operational arm of DOBCEL and is responsible for the implementation of DOBCEL strategies, policies and procedures, and overseeing the day to day running of our schools.
St. Patrick's Primary adheres to all policies and procedures ratified by DOBCEL.

As partners in Catholic Education, open to God’s presence, we pursue fullness of life for all.

DOBCEL Child Safety Policies and Procedures

Anaphylaxis Management Policy and Procedure DOBCEL.pdf

Annual Report To St. Patricks Community 2022.pdf

Asthma Management Policy and Procedures (DOBCEL).pdf

Attendance Policy DOBCEL .pdf

Behaviour Management Policy Procedures DOBCEL pdf

Bullying Prevention including Cyberbullying Policy.pdf

Child Safety Code of Conduct DOBCEL

Child Safe Governance Policy and Procedures (DOBCEL)pdf

Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy. (St Patrick's)pdf

Communication policy (St Patrick's).pdf

Democratic Principles.pdf

Digital technology policy (DOBCEL)pdf

Enrolment Agreement School.pdf

Enrolment Policy Procedures Primary School pdf

Technology user agreement. pdf

Duty of care policy.pdf

Emergency and Critical Incident Management Policy and Procedures (DOBCEL).pdf

Enrolment Policy Procedures and Appendices (DOBCEL).pdf

Enrolment Procedure Enrolment Form Explanatory Statement Appendix (DOBCEL).pdf

Family Fee Assistance Scheme (DOBCEL)

Excursions Camps and Travel Procedures (St Patrick's).docx

First Aid and Infection Control Policy (DOBCEL).pdf

Identifying and Responding to Student Sexual Offending (PROTECT)2023.pdf

Positive Behaviour Policy and Procedures School pdf

Parents Guardians Carers Code of Conduct School_pdf

Privacy Policy Procedures School pdf

Reportable Conduct Scheme Policy (DOBCEL)

Safeguarding Children and Young People Code of Conductpdf

School Complaints Handling Policy (St Patrick's)pdf

Statement of Commitment to Child Safety

St Patrick's Primary School Traffic Management Plan

Visitor Policy and Procedure pdf

Student Behaviour Management Policy Procedures (DOBCEL).pdf

 Student Behaviour School Policy (St Patrick's Primary)

Student Care and Health Policy First Aid (DOBCEL)pdf

Supervision of Students Policy. (St Patrick's)pdf

Suspension Negotiated Transfer Expulsion Procedures (StPatricks Primary).pdf

St. Patrick's will do all to ensure its students learn and grow in a safe environment that values their wellbeing and individual learning journey.
All our decisions will be based upon what is best for each student in every learning environment.