All students at St Patrick's participate in Religious Education lessons. Not all of our families are Catholic or necessarily aligned with any particular religion. Our Religious Education program titled Awakenings continues to promote an approach to teaching and learning that encourages dialogue with one another and with the world around us. It seeks to understand and present the Catholic faith in the context of our current society.
Our teaching has several elements which help to increase understanding, personal development and spirituality. We encourage parents who are non-Catholic to speak to us about our Religious Education program and how we help all children to flourish at St Patrick's school.
St. Patrick's families are offered the opportunity to participate in the sacramental program of the Parish if they wish their child to recieve the sacraments offered - Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. These programs are run parallel to school across the school year. Children who are in Year Four and above may participate.
At St. Patrick's literacxy encompasses more than just reading and writing; it extends to understanding and interpreting language. It’s a foundational skill that empowers individuals to communicate, comprehend, and engage in society effectively. This includes access to knowledge, social connections, and participation in everyday activities. It is beyond being able to decode written words; it involves critical thinking, interpretation and the ability to analyse and evaluate information. Elements of our current program include:
Oral Language – speaking and listening skills and the mental representations that sit behind them – is learnt naturally and is the foundation for early reading success.
Phonemic Awareness is identifying speech sounds in spoken language, such as the three sounds in the word ‘cat’: /c/ /a/ /t/. This is a critical precursor to early reading success, because it prepares students to connect sounds with letters.
Phonics is connecting speech sounds with letters to decode words. It enables students to approach unfamiliar words and sound them out.
Fluency is recognising words quickly and accurately, and reading them with the right expression. Poor fluency prevents the reader from being able to pay attention to the meaning of the text.
Vocabulary is knowing the meaning of words in isolation and in context. Learning vocabulary is understanding the meaning of words when listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Comprehension is the ability to understand what is being read, remembering it, and communicating it to others.
These are the key elements of a school program which is working within the most modern framework and research to ensure all children achieve success. We also have an intervention program where students who need further assistance will recieve support.
The Mathematics program is sequential yet flexible, providing children with a managed developmental approach which builds upon prior learning and allows each child to experience continued success. The mathematics program at St. Patrick’s is developed through levels and strands and activities that will move from the concrete to the abstract. Work at each level will be based on the integration of mathematical activities relating different areas of study.
As children engage in learning mathematical skills and processes they will acquire mathematical skills that will enable them to use maths confidently in a variety of situations. Problem solving and critical thinking is central to our mathematics program.
At St. Patrick’s School, learning in the Arts takes several forms: art, dance, drama, media and music. All children will be exposed to a weekly lesson in Visual and Performing Arts with our specialist teacher Jacinta Molloy. Our dedicated arts room provides the space to run an excellent arts program. Through arts practice students learn to develop ideas by drawing upon experience, exploring feelings, observing and researching. In responding to the arts, students learn to analyse and interpret arts works. We value the arts as a major source of intellectual, physical, spiritual and emotional development, understanding and enjoyment.
All students at St Patrick's Gordon participate in weekly Japanese lessons. Students are exposed to the culture, art, language and customs of our Asian neighbour with their teacher Denise Buttler. It is important that children are exposed to other languages in their primary years. Many students find that they have a special talent in this interesting learning area.
Inquiry Learning is where we can study about a major theme or school focus and incorporate learning outcomes from a variety of subject areas. At St Patrick’s School, Gordon we will give the students knowledge, skills and values to enable them to participate as confident, responsible and active citizens. Inquiry Learning involves project work and personal learning activities and may encompass study in The Arts, Geography, Science, Health etc.
Topics selected will be 'rich topics' that will enable the classroom teacher to assist their students in developing skills, knowledge, values and attitudes. The topics will be a “worthwhile exploration of meaningful content that relates to and extends students’ life experiences and understanding of the world” (1997 Murdoch).
STEM is the study of the Science, Technology, Engineering, The Arts and Mathetics. At St Patrick’s School, Gordon we aim to provide a program which nurtures scientifically and technologically literate individuals, where students will be able to make informed decisions regarding the impact of their lifestyle on the environment. We recognise the need for STEAM to be relevant, as learning science through STEAM and its methods of investigation encourages students to develop curiosity and a spirit of inquiry and helps them to be open minded and to value objectivity.
The STEAM education program part of our weekly speciliats program which is then supported by our Scinece program which is part of our Inquiry Learning. The program will endeavour to assist the students to:
At St. Patrick’s we support a lifelong involvement in physical activity and the pursuit of health and well being. Children participate in daily activity including morning exercise and one specialist PE class per week which develops fundamental motor skills, games skills, strategies and understanding of heath issues relating to sport and exercise. We promote the physical, social, emotional and spiritual health of individuals, families and communities.
The children are given the skills to identify the harms associated with particular situations and behaviours and make them aware of good nutritional habits. They will be encouraged to develop values regarding rights and responsibilities of individuals and communities so that they can make informed decisions about their own and others’ lives, as they form effective relationships with families, friends and groups.
Interschool sport involvement in Years 3/4 and 5/6 provides opportunities for children to meet children from other schools and to enhance their games skills in a safe competitive environment. Developing good sportsmanship is a valued part of the inter-school sport experience. This takes place across the school year.
Swimming and Gymnastics programs are offered to all children in Term 2 at the Ballarat Aquatic Centre. School camps are an important aspect of our Health and Physical education curriculum and take place in years F-2 (Late Stay Back), Years 3-4 (2day/2 night camp) and Years 5/6 (3 day/2night camp).
They will be encouraged to take a proactive role in the safety of themselves and others, through participation in a number of programs. Students participate in Life Education every second year.